Tuesday, August 11, 2015

God does not Change

One of the things that has kept me through the trials of life is this, That what God has done for his people in the history of the bible he can do again. It has been lyrics in songs saying this very thing that I would sing to myself through these times. It has been the stories of victory and deliverance that has kept my head up and my heart from growing weary. It has been God's constant reminders that have kept me walking in faith till he gets me through to the other side where victory is. Stories like the Exodus of the Israelite', Stories of the walls of Jericho falling down, Stories of Esther defeating the annihilation of her people by faith. Stories of Hezekiah rebuilding amidst threats of attack. When you are going through a difficult trial you have the bible and the stories in it to help you understand that God will help you get through it. Praying and seeking God's presence for peace in the midst of trials gives you that added push to keep on believing. So when you are fighting to get to your victory, use the tools God gave you to make it through by faith, your bible and prayer. Be encouraged that “If he did it before he'll do it again”

Let us pray: Lord Jesus I know that you are the same yesterday and forever, you do not change. You love and care for your people. I ask that as you were there to deliver and set free those in your bible, you be there for me. I ask that as you were there to fight against the enemies of your people, you stand up and fight for me. I ask that as you healed your people in your word, you heal me when I cry out to you. You did it before please Lord do it again In Jesus' Name Amen!

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