Thursday, October 28, 2010

Affirmations by V. Toussaint

Today we are talking about the things we say. In my walk with God I have always heard preachings on what kind of confessions we make out of our mouth has power to create. If I say when I get up first thing in the morning that " I have too many things to do today, it's going to take forever. Man today is going to stink. I want to go back to sleep" I have just created my day and will get exactly what I said I would. But if I say "Wow I have a lot to get done today! Lord Jesus please give me the energy and motivation to work hard and get it all done. May I finish to enjoy the rest of my day and relax till it's time for bed . May my sleep be sweet for tomorrow so I might have a very productive day again. " Then I have set up my day for success. It took me a while to do this in my own life. I got the bad confession part down pretty fast. "Don't say negative things, right got it" But to purposely make good confessions and pray them took some time for me to get down. I read a couple of books that helped me that I recommend to anybody who wants to go from negative to positive confessions or affirmations. The first is "Live your best life now" by Joel Olsteen and "The dynamic laws of prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Those two books changed my life. My faith has grown so much since I read them and I have experienced many great powerful moves of God in my life because of using what I learned. If you have a problem with negative things constantly coming out of your mouth do what ever you can to change that about your self. You will be happier and I promise you will see God begin to move in your life to create the goodness of your confessions. Remember God created the whole universe by the power of his words. He said "Let there be light and there was" Jesus said " If we say to that mountain be removed and believe it shall be removed." So start moving mountains of negativity out of your way. Lord we thank you that we have the power to create greatness with our tongues. Please, by the leading of your holy spirit teach us to tame our tongues and to confess the positive things we want for our lives. In Jesus name. Amen.

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