Sunday, October 26, 2014

A family that prays together is awesome.

I want to tell you all about something my family and I have been doing. Because Sundays are all about getting ready for church, then we come home to eat Lunch, cook dinner early to get ready for the week ahead; we don't get much rest on that day. We do get an over whelming sense of peace from God that I find comes from being gathered in his name. I don't think I can get through my week as well without it. We don't get much down time though. I mean family movies, outdoor fun, or simply a day you can actually take a nap. I was thinking about it for a long time and praying to God that I could use a day to take a break. I home school and so my schedule is pretty packed with housework, school work, and laundry. I started reading scriptures about the Sabbath. Many Christians know that the true Sabbath is on Saturday. Just do a search on Google and you'll see the facts on that subject. That's what I did. and I said you know If I followed this biblical Law with a gentile Christian twist I could be able to get the real rest I need and Honor God at the same time. So I talked to my husband and he agreed. I had to make some changes in my schedule and the first one was to change Saturday cleaning house blessing day to Fridays. Fridays was a light school day anyway because all unfinished work was done on that day. Sabbath starts on Friday at sundown  so I would have to have dinner done by 5 pm if I wanted to be able to do the beginning Sabbath worship. In the Jewish faith the wife begins the Sabbath with lighting the Sabbath candles and prayer. So I would light three candles representing the trinity just before dark about 6 pm. I would have worship songs and scriptures picked out and anointing oil to bless all my children and pray for my husband. Saturday Morning I sleep in and that is great!!! We do light cleaning on Saturday like bed making and breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes but most of the day is leisure time. Saturday just before Sundown marks the end of the Sabbath it is called "Havdalah" and my husband handles that worship time by entering with worship music and having a family Holy communion, passing around a bowl of spices to remind us that life is full of spice. In other words life is full of variety and to much of any one thing is boring and unhealthy. He also blesses the children and prays for me. Then he recites scriptures and Thanks Jesus for the light of the world. It took a couple of weeks to get it just right. Change is never easy, But God blessed our efforts. What we noticed was just a few weeks after we started to do this blessings started rolling in. We moved to a new home and many of our friends blessed us with gifts for our new home. Many unexpected things kept happening. Last night was the first time I got everything perfect. I got up at seven and the cleaning was all done by Lunch. The kids finished their unfinished school work by 1:30 pm and I started dinner and it was done by 4:30 pm. We all gave thanks and ate together as a family including my husband, who usually watches the news during dinner and I eat with the Kids. After dinner I lit the candles and turned down the lights put on the worship and began to pray. After the worship was over I put on a family inspirational movie which I try to do every Friday night. So far we have seen "The Blind side," Gifted hands,"  "Soul Surfer," "Field of dreams," "Hoosiers," and "The Impossible." These movies help us have open discussions about real family issues, faith,Justice, servitude, humanity, and a bunch of other subjects. I have fallen in love with this new tradition in our home and wanted to share it with you. If you would like to try this with your family here is a Good sight to learn more about Sabbath or Shabbat.

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