Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hands Held High by V. Toussaint

But Moses hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. Exodus 17:12.  This passage  was set during a war. Moses said he would pray on the mountain while the people fought. But he became so tired that he could no longer hold his arms up to the lord. As his arms were high in the air the people were winning the fight. When his hands began to fall the people began to fail. So his servants held him up. Moses was the head of that family and in a time of crises he grew weary. As families our positions as head whether you are a husband and the head of your family or a single parent holding it all down on your own in times of crises we all can grow weary. The stone they put under him to sit is the rock. Jesus is our rock he came to give us rest. the servants raising the hands of moses is the church or your family members. When we go through crises we need a support system. when I see my husband going through a hard trial I get into my prayer closet and pray for him more then ever. I encourage him with scripture and affectionate support. If that does not seem to be enough I ask him to please seek counsel. I let him know he is not alone. As a women who was married before and have two children in my previous marriage I can tell you that as a single parent when I grew weary it could get very lonely. But I knew that if on my knees to Jesus I did not find enough comfort I had a whole support system in my church. My leaders, pastors, my sisters in Christ. They helped me pray and gave me encouragement. I always knew I could count on my family in Christ. Now that I have remarried I have taken what I learned to help my husband be the best head of household he can be and when he grows weary I step up to the plate and help him hold the bat and hit the ball out of the park. I make sure we go to church as much as possible and make sure we pray more then ever. I get in the word and I praise God in our circumstances. I carry the load! Jesus carries us and we should carry each other in love and prayerfully fighting the good fight of faith.  This holiday season look to be a support to someone if not at home then in church or extended family and friends. So many people suffer silently during the holidays try to be discerning and find out who may need some extra support this season. Then don't stop there make it part of your Christian walk. Seek to be loving and supportive. My husband is my great support when I grow weary and don't seem to be getting what I need from my daily devotions he sees and steps in to encourage me. I love him dearly for it.  Thank you Jesus that you put in our lives those who can support us in the hardest of times. Thank you that you are the rock of our salvation. That we can find rest in you and in your body when we need to. please continue to support us and bring those who will help us to carry the load In Jesus name Amen.

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